Non-Profit Transitional housing for men with life controlling issues associated with drug and alcohol addictions.
Healing Men, Healing FamiliesResident
Applying To Isaiah House
Candidates for admission must complete our Application and have an interview with the Director. If you provide false or misleading information you may be denied admission or asked to leave when this becomes evident.
Requirements for Admission:
- Be male between ages 25 and 55.
- Agree to abide by all guidelines, fully participate in all aspects of the program, and refrain from any activity staff deems contrary to recovery or good moral character. Director reserves the right to enact disciplinary measures or dismissal from Isaiah House for any violations.
- Have already completed a drug and alcohol program
- Be physically able to work
- Be medically able to fully participate in a program that does not provide medical care, dental care,or assistance with medications.
- Be mentally stable and capable of functioning in the Isaiah House environment; weekly participate in a minimum of two or more 12-Step Meetings, church of your choice on Sunday, and Isaiah House group discussions, written work, and study.
- Be willing to refrain from the pursuit of all romantic relationships other than with your legally married spouse while residing at Isaiah House.
- No use of Kratom or other mind altering substances or energy drinks allowed
- Possess no cell phone for six months.
- After 30 days a man may qualify for one weekend passes a month if:
- Actively working 12 steps
- Doing chores correctly
- No disciplines during the month
- All fees are up-to-date.
- One-time non-refundable registration fee of $500 due before entry.
- Pay $240.00 in advance each Friday, for residing at Isaiah House.
- Residents should bring only clothing that fits into one 4-drawer chest and part of a small closet.
- MUST PASS DRUG TEST the day you enter Isaiah House and willingly take periodic drug tests.
- Submit to a criminal background check.
- Please bring the following, if you have them: Birth certificate, Social Security Card, Drivers license
What Is Isaiah House?
Isaiah House is a 20-bed transitional home located in Ellijay, GA on three acres. We exist to provide men who have been through a drug and alcohol program, an opportunity to gain needed skills to better equip them with integrating back into society. These include; continued sobriety through 12-Step Meetings, Biblical applications for living, life skills, relationship skills, educational needs, job preparation, how to be a man, how to manage money. Isaiah House recommends a minimum of nine months transitional housing to prepare for successful sober living in society and to procure housing and transportation.
What we do
Our Program

Continued Sobriety
Daily Living, attend Meetings

Mental Health
Positive Motivation, Stress Management, Communication Skills

Physical Health
Hygiene, Medical Awareness, Fitness, Nutrition

Spiritual Health
Bible Studies, Proclaim Liberty Ministries’ 12-Step Scripture Program, One-on-one counseling, Experiencing God (Henry Blackaby) workbook.

Money Management
Crown Financial Training, basic concepts; manage a checking account, budgeting, etc.

How to be a man: Wild at Heart (John Eldridge) Bait of Satan (John Bevere) What does a husband, father, neighbor look like. How to respect and court a woman

How to dress, speak, make a resume, apply for a job, find work. Gain skills for work through training, educational resources, GED.
What Drives Us
Our Mission
Isaiah House, a 501-c-3 non-profit organization seeks to assist men with life-controlling issues, such as drugs and alcohol, as well as other related problems by providing a healthy, balanced, and structured environment for the whole man. We address spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and legal issues, as well as learning how to serve others.
Resident Applcation Notes
Application Process
We provide men who have been through a drug and alcohol program, an opportunity to gain needed skills to better equip them with integrating back into society.
Candidates for admission to the Isaiah House Program must complete their application and have an interview with the Director. The program is open to males between ages 25 and 55, who have already completed a drug and alcohol program, are physically able to work, are medically able to fully participate.
IS Isaiah House Right For You
Isaiah House exists to help men with life controlling issues, such as drug and alcohol addictions as well as other issues by providing a healthy, balanced, structured environment for the whole man, addressing spiritual, physical, emotional, financial and legal issues.
Prospective residents should have completed a substance abuse program within last 6 months and be willing to continue in a transitional house that supports sobriety.
Meet The Directors:
Ed & Sally Jeffery
On August 21, 2008 Sally and I acknowledged our long felt desire to open a men’s transitional home and recovery center, and laid it before the Lord. On August 23, 2008 there was a message on my phone from a friend stating a piece of property was available to do something good for the community and were we interested. This began the journey of Isaiah House.