Isaiah House holds first weekly CA (Cocaine Anonymous) Meeting

Sheriff Ashe Shares Poem About Crystal Methanphetamine

This is a poem passed on to me by a relative of the 21 year old female who lost her life while addicted to crystal meth. This is a true happening.  A 21 year old female was addicted to crystal meth, overdosed, and lost her life.  After her death, they were cleaning...
Isaiah House holds first weekly CA (Cocaine Anonymous) Meeting

Eleven Things You Can Do To Raise A Drug Addicted Child

1.  Be their lawyer.  Defend them to the end no matter what. 2.  Be their banker.  Give them what they want even if you can’t afford it.  The child learns they never need to worry about money. 3.  Be their insurance company.  Anytime they screw up be there prepared to...